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義弘《青霞》安来鋼青2号 和ガラスキ【朴八角水牛柄】


Yoshihiro 1 在庫あり

メイン画像は180 mmのものとなります。

ブランド 郷右馬允義弘(山脇刃物製作所)
刃のタイプ 和ガラサキ・ガラスキ/片刃仕様(右利き用)
鋼材 安来青紙2号(青二鋼)
モデル 青霞(あおがすみ)

150 mm
180 mm

ハンドル 朴・八角柄
口金 水牛 *天然物のため、色が若干異なる場合があります。
オプション 専用木サヤ(黒檀ピン・義弘スタンプ付)

*刃渡りの定義 :刃の上端から端までの長さとなります。


Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
What a beast !!

The knife arrived sharp, but not razor sharp. So I sharpened it with a 1000 and then 6000 whetstones, followed by some stropping. It then became sharp enough to shave the hair off of my forearm. Then I used it to remove the meat from four chicken drumsticks. OMG, I've never been able to do so with this much ease. The knife was able to go through 1.5 inches of meat and leave a 0.5mm deep mark on the tibia even with barely any force applied. And the thickness and weight of the knife gave it plenty of strength to cut thru the joints and to navigate and remove meat from the bones. Then I immediately washed the knife, wiped it dry and then applied the tsubaki oil. I used to hesitate about buying aogami steel knives out of fear of rust. However, after my experience with this knife, I am confident enough that I will be buying more aogami steel knives in the future.

Thank you very much for your order, this time. Good to know the knife is working fine in your kitchen with your full cooperation and experience. If you face any technical or maintenance issue, we are here to support you from Japan. Even if we cannot give you a correct answer, we communicate with manufactures, so that we can reply to you correctly, as we are locally working closely with them. We are now looking forward to doing business again in the future, too. Thanks again and with best regards, Yoshi/YuiSenri

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